Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Lower Your Gaze

 Fear Allah and lower your gaze! Every woman you see on the street is your sister for the sake of Allah, although they are non-mehrams, change your mindset. They are not objects nor walking pieces of meat, 🥩 rather women with the same feelings and emotions your mother and sisters have. 

It’s hard to practice what you preach, but it is a matter of resolution.  Never forget Allah is watching you,  even while you are reading this post. 

You want a righteous spouse? But you keep staring at every women you see on the street. Don’t you want to show Allah that you are mindful of Him and you will, after reading this post, lower your gaze for the rest of your life? Wallahi Allah will bless your future or existing marriage, your wife will start appreciating you more, or you appreciating her. No more fights at all.

The eyes have a direct influence towards the heart. قلوب Save your heart from sins, it completely destroys barakah in your relationship with your mother, sister, or wife. 

You cannot call yourself a man if you lustfully look at women, you haven’t understood Islam. Seek knowledge regarding the rights of Women and why Allah created them, their purpose and attributes. A true Muslim protects women, not view them as objects!

~ Anonymous ~ Slave of Allah 

• May Allah accept my deeds.

• May Allah bless you for reading this post.

#women #islam #Allah #quran #muhammad #saws #gaze #deen #hadith #prophet #sunnah #paradise #jannah #Allah #heart #purify #loweryourgaze 

Monday, August 12, 2024

How to Focus in Salah

 If you can’t focus on Salah, avoid excessive eating, socialization, and sleeping. These acts make our heart void of the remembrance of Allah, our beloved God and nurturer. 

Replace it with reading Quran with translation (1 page per day), a beginning is better than nothing.

Replace it with memorizing 5 ayahs per day. Instead of memorizing song lyrics.

Replace music with Quran (the word of Allah) in your heart will increase concentration in Salah and developing Taqwa (consciousness or mindfulness of Allah).

Imagine dying in the state of Taqwa in Sujood during a prayer you prolonged due to the above tips.

Follow this account and all Dawah accounts in Instagram you see. Replace your for you page with Islamic advice and dawah instead of music, celebrities, partying, etc.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fitnah and Temptation of Women

 What I’ve seen in the era of beautification and liberalism, is that most men have lost their Gheerah (protective jealousy) over their women. 🙋‍♀

Fear Allah and be a man. Protect your wife from slanderous looks and men with animalistic tendencies. A woman uncovered is a lollipop to a man🍭, regardless of how pious he is. 

I would like to share an Arabic poem by Imaam Al Qahtani which directly targets the innate desire and nature of man (to look at beautiful women) — but Islam only allows to look at your wife, which is rightfully yours. Before sharing the poem take this Hadith into consideration:

“No man is alone with a woman but the Shaitaan is the third one present.”

[Narrated by Ahmad, al-Tirmidhi and al-Haakim; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (2546)

Now the poem:

Don’t be alone with a women in suspicion [of sin],

Even if you are devoted in worship like Banān (the great ascetic and Muhaddith of Iraq and Egypt) 🕍

Indeed men who stare at women,

Are like dogs circling around a piece of meat, 🥩

If the Lions do not protect those meat,

It will be devoured without recompense or value,🪙

Do not accept affection from women,

for their hearts quickly incline and attract,🫀

Do not leave anyone alone with your family,

for over women, do brothers kill one another, 🩸

and lower your eyes from the observation of women,

and the beauty of minors and young boys.