Sunday, September 29, 2024

Complaint to Reddit Moderators

 Dear Moderator,

I understand that. I have updated the question. Kindly approve it in your system. 

Please don't get me wrong.

For the sake of Allah, you are doing wrong here. There should be no limits to the amount of posts that can be done under r/islam, because at the end we will go to our graves, why are you limiting the amount of digital footprint a Muslim can provide in the internet for future generations to see and clarify their doubts.  

Once per 2 days?

Please be joking. This is Islam, you can't limit a needy person's question. After all, these are automatically removed for moderation, what difference does it make if I ask 10 questions, after all these have to be accepted from you servants of Allah. The questions, these are from the will of Allah, why are you limiting them? 

Second of all, kindly approve the many questions I asked that are pending approval, not because I'm demanding you, but it seems to me, you are doing it purposefully. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. But please reply to me so I know where you guys are coming from.

JazakAllah khair,

Shah Saud Zaman

Greater Fitna: Women or Wealth?


زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ ٱلشَّهَوَٰتِ مِنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ وَٱلْبَنِينَ وَٱلْقَنَـٰطِيرِ ٱلْمُقَنطَرَةِ مِنَ ٱلذَّهَبِ وَٱلْفِضَّةِ وَٱلْخَيْلِ ٱلْمُسَوَّمَةِ وَٱلْأَنْعَـٰمِ وَٱلْحَرْثِ ۗ ذَٰلِكَ مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنْيَا ۖ وَٱللَّهُ عِندَهُۥ حُسْنُ ٱلْمَـَٔابِ ١٤

The enjoyment of ˹worldly˺ desires—women, children,1 treasures of gold and silver, fine horses, cattle, and fertile land—has been made appealing to people. These are the pleasures of this worldly life, but with Allah is the finest destination.

[Quran 3:14]

Disclaimer: This is my own interpretation of Surah Al Imran Verse 14. Don't take these as factual statements, only Allah knows the meaning behind the order of His words!

Since Allah mentioned women first in terms of the worldly desires, I guess it is the biggest trial for our Ummah

Especially now, the rise of delayed marriages causes Zina, glazing at non-mahram, breakdown of society, hyper-sexualization, due to the 'cultural' Islam that has been propagated: finish your Bachelor's Degree, get a stable job, buy a house, after all these processes, you get to marry by a feeble age 30. That's if Allah allows you to live to that age. That's clearly against the nature of basic human needs; fitrah of humans that Allah has ordained for us.

“The best people of my Umma are those who get married and have chosen their wives and the worst people of my nation are those who have kept away from marriage and are passing their lives as bachelors.” 

(Mustadrakul Wasail by Muhaddith Noori, Vol 2, Pg 531).
In this modern day and age, it eliminates and extinguishes these immoral diseases of the youth:

  • It protects you from Dating
  • It protects you from committing self-pleasure
  • It creates a family
  • When a man marries a wife, he completes half his deen (the other half will never be able to be completed in this life)
  • When a man has a daughter, she opens a gate from Jannah for him

So marrying is 100% recommended, but it is not obligatory, as far as I've heard.

What is your opinion? Or, is wealth a bigger Fitna for the Ummah? I would still beg to differ, due to this hadith:

Usamah ibn Zayd reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “I have not left a trial after me more harmful to men than women.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5096

Hoarding Wealth - Obsession in Humans

 You're actually right. Allah has mentioned this psychology/obsession in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Imran:

زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ ٱلشَّهَوَٰتِ مِنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ وَٱلْبَنِينَ وَٱلْقَنَـٰطِيرِ ٱلْمُقَنطَرَةِ مِنَ ٱلذَّهَبِ وَٱلْفِضَّةِ وَٱلْخَيْلِ ٱلْمُسَوَّمَةِ وَٱلْأَنْعَـٰمِ وَٱلْحَرْثِ ۗ ذَٰلِكَ مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنْيَا ۖ وَٱللَّهُ عِندَهُۥ حُسْنُ ٱلْمَـَٔابِ ١٤

"Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return."

[Quran 3:14]

The word وَٱلْقَنَـٰطِيرِ ٱلْمُقَنطَرَةِ has been translated as:

- Heaps of Stored Up [gold, silver]

- Hoarded Treasures

- accumulated piles

Don't Try To Enter Jahannam

 If you don't want to be burned, you must follow the religion which God has ordered us to follow. Keep in mind, the hell we are talking about isn't what we see in movies or TV shows, according to Islamic sources:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Your fire, which the son of Adam ignites, is only one of seventy parts from the fire of Hell.” Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2843

أُوقِدَ عَلَى النَّارِ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ حَتَّى احْمَرَّتْ ثُمَّ أُوقِدَ عَلَيْهَا أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ حَتَّى ابْيَضَّتْ ثُمَّ أُوقِدَ عَلَيْهَا أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ حَتَّى اسْوَدَّتْ فَهِيَ سَوْدَاءُ مُظْلِمَةٌ

"The Fire was kindled for one thousand years until it reddened, then it was kindled for one thousand years until it whitened, then it was kindled for one thousand years until it became blackened, so it is dark black."

Jami’ at-Tirmidhi (2591)

Hell is eternal doesn't mean we yearn and have no choice other than to enter Hell.
God has given us the free will to choose, why would you still want to risk for the option that if you were to be dipped in for a millisecond, it will:

The Prophet Muhammad  said: {The happiest man in the world of those doomed to the Fire (Hell) on the Day of Judgment will be dipped in the Fire once.  Then he will be asked, “Son of Adam, did you ever see any good?  Did you ever experience any blessing?”  So he will say, “No, by God, O Lord!”}1

[Sahih Muslim 2807]

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Da'wah to a Christian Lady

 Sister. Thank you so much for asking. Please finish eating, complete any work before reading this. I spent 1hr writing this. May it be of benefit to you if Allah wills.

If you didn't already know, you are already Muslim but you've been deviated from the path. A very newborn is born in a state of purity in which he is ready to accept the belief in Allah and His Oneness which is the fitrah. Then, his parents either teach him according to this fitrah or take him apart from the Right Path via teaching him wrong creeds and beliefs.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) also said, “Every child is born with the fitrah, but his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Before you try to enter Islam, satan whispers thoughts like ‘its too restrictive’, ‘boring’, ‘no freedom’ to prevent you from following the religion of one true God Allah causing eternal damnation in the afterlife.

Surely Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his followers to become inmates of the Blaze. [Quran 35:6]

There is a reason you’re being attracted to Islam, in Quran:

You will surely find the most bitter towards the believers to be the Jews and polytheists and the most gracious to be those who call themselves Christian. [Quran 5:82]

(and you will find the nearest in love to the believers those who say: “We are Christians.”) refers to those who call themselves Christians, who follow the religion of the Messiah and the teachings of his Injil. These people are generally more tolerant of Islam and its people, because of the mercy and kindness that their hearts acquired through part of the Messiah’s religion.

Christianity preaches love and kindness. He who strikes you on the right Cheek, then turn the left cheek for Him, Bible 57:27.

And because,
The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) said in a Qudsi Hadith, “Allah Almighty says, ‘I created all My servants hunafa’ (i.e. following the original religion of monotheism), then the devils misled them from their religion and forbade them from what I made lawful for them and commanded them to associate with Me that which I have not sent down any authority for.” (Muslim)

Once you realize the truth, accept it.

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O humanity! The truth has surely come to you from your Lord. So whoever chooses to be guided, it is only for their own good. And whoever chooses to stray, it is only to their own loss. And I am not a keeper over you.” [Quran 6:104]
Trust me, when you enter Islam, Allah will make all of these worries non-existent. It’s about the initiation that’s time consuming. Ever wondered why studying is actually fun when you are in the midst of it? But when you try to leave listening to Music or watching that Tiktok reel to start studying is the hardest part, not even the studying itself? That’s just one of the many worldly parables I can compare it to.

Are you worried about people not accepting you for Islam?

Are you worried of the criticism you’ll face everyday?

If you believe in Allah, the only God, these miniscule worldly problems go away as soon as you enter the true religion:

Be patient ˹O Prophet˺, for your patience is only with Allah’s help. Do not grieve over those ˹who disbelieve˺, nor be distressed by their schemes. [Quran 16:127]

Say, “Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah—Lord of all worlds. [Quran 6:162]

Whoever Allah wills to guide, He opens their heart to Islam. [6:125]

Whenever you walk alone in the street at night sister, you may feel unsafe. But when you have your brother alongside you, you feel safe from any outside threats.

We are talking about God here.

Whenever you walk in Earth, without recognizing God, you will always be indecisive, scared, anxious, worldly problems will get the best of you etc. This is why you're indecisive right now, you don't know what to follow.

The reason Catholicism is attractive is:

1. You were born one, so you are more familiarized with it

2. If I were to enter a synagogue, I would still feel connected to the vibe, but what's all that, without feeling God's presence. Wouldn't I start doubting it?

Let me ask you, isn't God meant to be feared. Why would God punish you if you fear Him?

Why should Allah punish you if you are grateful and faithful? Allah is ever Appreciative, All-Knowing. [Quran 4:147]

God - Allah is meant to be feared and loved. Balancing the two wings of Fear of Allah and hope of mercy from Him, that's a sign of Iman 'faith' in Islam. But you know what? Let's balance it:

When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath. [Hadith Qudsi 1]

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that." [Sahih Bukhari 3321] <-- get to know Allah's nature here, you'll realize all along the definition of forgiveness was restricted to Christianity. I can share a thousand more narrations. + Let me say here, when you enter Islam, you don't lose Christ, you learn the truth about him.

+ You cannot say your mother won't reach Jannah.

You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided. [Quran 28:56]

If Allah is guiding you right now, who says he won't guide your mother. Did you before writing this question, ever ponder in your lifetime that you would consider the option of reverting to Islam? (reverting, since you're already born in the natural disposition of Islam)

The reason you are writing the post is you're willing to be guided by Allah.

DM me sister. I will answer all your questions. Hope this helped by the will of God!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Wrong Perspective of Allah

Do you have the right knowledge of Allah? Or is it the culture of your country which has given you the description of the nature of Allah? 

If you are from the Indo Pak subcontinent such as Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.  You know what I'm talking about without even giving an introduction.

You will realize that Allah's nature has been distorted to 'Allah will forgive everyone of us at the end, even if you don't pray 5 times a day'

The amount of people who don't pray 5 times a day and barely pray Jummah, let alone Eid prayer which they pray once or twice a year are too much. Perhaps in hundreds of millions. Look at your near relatives, or even you.  Are we giving Salah the priority of our life? 

You have been shown the wrong perspective of Islam. Islam focuses on Huqooqullah (The Rights of Allah) the same way as Huqooq Ul Ibad (The Rights on People). Even if you are kind and merciful to people in daily life, if you don't pray, you will end up in Hell (not a fatwa) + Allah forgives whomever He wills, but it is supported by this Quranic ayah: 

“What has landed you in Hell?”
They will reply, “We were not of those who prayed,
[Quran 74:42-43]

 The Duniya is a distraction from our ultimate sole purpose of worshipping of Allah. No matter how much busy you are, in any country, or any job you may consider dear to you, is it more dear than Allah SWT and His messenger? 

“Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.”
Surah Maryam Verse 59

The following ayah in the surah then says,

“Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad SAW), and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught.”

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If your parents and children and siblings and spouses and extended family and the wealth you have acquired and the trade you fear will decline and the homes you cherish—˹if all these˺ are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and struggling in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about His Will. Allah does not guide the rebellious people.” [Quran 9:24]

“O you who believe! let your possessions and your offspring not make you negligent of Allah’s remembrance. For whoso does that, they will be the losers.” [Surah Munafiqon Ayah 9]