Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Wrong Perspective of Allah

Do you have the right knowledge of Allah? Or is it the culture of your country which has given you the description of the nature of Allah? 

If you are from the Indo Pak subcontinent such as Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh.  You know what I'm talking about without even giving an introduction.

You will realize that Allah's nature has been distorted to 'Allah will forgive everyone of us at the end, even if you don't pray 5 times a day'

The amount of people who don't pray 5 times a day and barely pray Jummah, let alone Eid prayer which they pray once or twice a year are too much. Perhaps in hundreds of millions. Look at your near relatives, or even you.  Are we giving Salah the priority of our life? 

You have been shown the wrong perspective of Islam. Islam focuses on Huqooqullah (The Rights of Allah) the same way as Huqooq Ul Ibad (The Rights on People). Even if you are kind and merciful to people in daily life, if you don't pray, you will end up in Hell (not a fatwa) + Allah forgives whomever He wills, but it is supported by this Quranic ayah: 

“What has landed you in Hell?”
They will reply, “We were not of those who prayed,
[Quran 74:42-43]

 The Duniya is a distraction from our ultimate sole purpose of worshipping of Allah. No matter how much busy you are, in any country, or any job you may consider dear to you, is it more dear than Allah SWT and His messenger? 

“Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) [i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.] and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell.”
Surah Maryam Verse 59

The following ayah in the surah then says,

“Except those who repent and believe (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad SAW), and work righteousness. Such will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in aught.”

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If your parents and children and siblings and spouses and extended family and the wealth you have acquired and the trade you fear will decline and the homes you cherish—˹if all these˺ are more beloved to you than Allah and His Messenger and struggling in His Way, then wait until Allah brings about His Will. Allah does not guide the rebellious people.” [Quran 9:24]

“O you who believe! let your possessions and your offspring not make you negligent of Allah’s remembrance. For whoso does that, they will be the losers.” [Surah Munafiqon Ayah 9]

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