Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sahih Al Bukhari 3


The Truest Christian To Ever Exist

"Waraqa bin Naufal bin Asad bin 'Abdul 'Uzza, who, during the pre-Islamic Period became a Christian and used to write the writing with Hebrew letters. He would write from the Gospel in Hebrew as much as Allah wished him to write. He was an old man and had lost his eyesight. Khadija said to Waraqa, "Listen to the story of your nephew, O my cousin!" Waraqa asked, "O my nephew! What have you seen?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) described whatever he had seen. Waraqa said, "This is the same one who keeps the secrets (angel Gabriel) whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) asked, "Will they drive me out?" Waraqa replied in the affirmative and said, "Anyone (man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would support you strongly." But after a few days Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was also paused for a while."

As you can see, a True Christian is by definition, the One who submits the will to Allah, and has proper knowledge regarding the biblical scriptures, so He reverts to Islam. Nowadays, the Bible has been corrupted, so priests, bishops, or even the pope, can't trust the bible word for word. Even though Waraqah was a Christian days before his death, he pledged to Prophet Muhammad SAWS that he would support him, signalling that he may / may have not reverted to the Islam, or the religion of Abraham. Allah knows best. But I'm writing this to mainly say that if a modern-day Christian living in the 21st century was to follow Waraqah Ibn Naufal, he would convert to Islam ASAP, as Prophet Muhammad SAWS is the last prophet & messenger to mankind, after Isa (Jesus) A.S (alayhi salam). 

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