‘The Prophetﷺ went to the Jinn to recite the Qur’ān to them and call them to Allah. He asked his Companions, “Who will accompany me? Who among you doesn’t have a grain of pride in his heart that will stand with me?” The people remained silent. The Prophet repeated it again, and then a third time, until ʿAbd Allāh ibn Masʿūd stood up. Ibn Masʿūd said “I went out with the Messenger of Allah in the direction of al-Hujūn until we reached the area of Abū Dhub. The Prophet drew a line for me and said, ‘Do not cross this line.’ whereupon the Jinn descended upon him like locusts. He recited the Qur’ān to them in a loud voice. They fell and stuck to the ground until I could not see them. the Jinn said to him, “Who are you? Who are you?” to which he replied, ‘A Prophet!’ They asked; “Who will bear witness for you?” He replied, “This tree will bear witness for me.” he called the tree and it came to him, dragging its branches and making a sound. The tree bore witness to his prophethood and then returned to its place.’ They asked him for provisions and he gave them bones and animal feed. They found that the bones were more tender than meat and the animal feed was sufficient for their animals. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ thereafter forbade the use of bones and dung for cleaning after using the bathroom.
The Prophet drew a line for me and said, do not leave this line and proceed into the mountain. I heard a loud, unpleasant mixture of sounds and wanted to follow it, but remembered the Prophet’s ﷺ command and did not leave the line. When he returned, I told the Prophet what had happened to which he said, “If you had left the line, I would never have seen you again.”
A group of scholars of tafsīr said that the encounter with the Jinn happened twice, once in Mecca and once in the valley of al-Nakhla. The narration reported by Ibn ʿAbbās refers to the encounter in the Valley of al-Nakhla, while the narration reported by ibn Masʿūd refers to the encounter in Mecca. As for the encounter in the valley of al-Nakhla, they passed by the Prophet ﷺ and listened to the Qur’ān, whilst the one in Mecca, the Prophet went to them, recited the Qur’ān to them, and invited them to embrace Islam. This is the reconciliation between the two narrations.
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