Long time lurker first time poster. Something has been bothering me lately, why does Allah allow Iblis to have the power to tempt us into sin when He is capable of preventing it. Why put us in a situation where we can fall into temptation and then punish us for succumbing to our imperfect nature?
Because this world is a test to see which of us is best in deed
Those who follow Shaitan will follow him to Hell, and those who follow Allah SWT will go to heaven.
Allah has put us in this situation because He wants to test us to see who will stay on the right path despite such temptation and sins.
If there were no sins, no shaytaan, no hell, do you think the concept of gpod deeds and heaven could exist? This world is divided into binaries, and that is what brings symmetry; sun and moon, earth and sky, water and fire, cold and hot, heaven and hell, read the Quran and realize how ALLAH says that He has divided everything into pairs, and He describes things in pairs throughout the Quran.
For the concept of good deeds to exist, the idea of sin is necessary. This is why Allah (swt) has also opened the door to repentance, he could have not presented us with that door and just let our deeds speak for themselves with no chance of forgiveness. What do you think of that tradeoff?
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