Sunday, June 2, 2024

Smartphones Are Product Of Theory Of Relativity by Einstein Looking At The Skies


It's not just cell phones, really it's everything electronic. Einstein's theories had nothing to do with the radio technology that cell phones are based on.

Relativity did, however, help us design the particle accelerators that we used to delve further into Quantum Mechanics. That knowledge, as well as his other insights into QM, led to the design of computer chips.

We couldn't have miniaturized the modern microprocessor unless we knew how to avoid the QM phenomenon of electron tunneling that can potentially foul up their operation.

You are. Maxwell's equations are not compatible with Newtonian mechanics and require Einstein's Special Relativity to mathematically explain electricity. Engineers had been building power plants long before SR was developed (because we engineers are so clever) but SR was needed for the math that allowed mathematical exploration of things like semiconductors. Actually, it may be that only the Lorentz Transform is needed but I always associate that with SR anyway. Maybe one of our more knowledgeable members will jump in if I have that wrong. You could also point out to him that his GPS would not work without General Relativity.


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