Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Philadelphia Experiment 1943 and Islam

 The Philadelphia Experiment is a conspiracy theory and urban legend that alleges that during World War II, the U.S. Navy conducted experiments to make a ship invisible to radar, using a technique called "electromagnetic cloaking." The experiment supposedly took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, hence the name.

According to the legend, the USS Eldridge, a destroyer escort, was said to have been rendered invisible, teleported, or both, resulting in various accounts of crew members experiencing severe physical and mental effects, including some allegedly vanishing altogether.

You forget to mention that there were multiple eyewitness accounts. And they said there were crew members both fused to the ships hull and partially "invisible"

The biggest plot hole in this sea story, besides the fact that the neither of the ships were there at the Philly Naval Yard, is the Stone Cold Steve Austin fact that even supposing the Navy had developed some insane secret technology like that, they are not going to be so monumentally stupid as to test it in broad daylight in the Delaware River in front of the entire city of Philadelphia and everyone in the Navy Yard so they can see/unsee/see the magic disappearing ship and green electric fog. You test secret technology, you know, in a secret location, like smart people do.


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