Battle of Badr
- In 17 Ramadan, 2AH, 624 A.D -- Great wealth amounting to 50,000 gold dinars guarded by 40 men moving relatively close to Madinah constituted a tempting target for the Muslim military, and provided a potentially heavy economic, political, and military strike that was bound to shake the entire establishment of the Makkan polytheists.
- Prophet Muhammad SAWS immediately encouraged Muslims to rush out and intercept the caravan to make up for the property and wealth they were forced to give up in Makkah.
"Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in rows (ranks) as if they were a solid structure." (Quran 61:4)"
"And Allah has already made you victorious at Badr, when you were a weak little force. So fear Allah much that you may be grateful." (Quran 3:123)
- 300-317 Men
- 82 to 86 Emigrants
- 61 men from 'Aws
- 170 men from Khazraj
(Not well-equipped and adequately prepared)
- 2 Horses
- 70 Camels
- 950 Men / 1300 Men
- 100 horses
- 600 soldiers (mail armor)
As the Makkan polytheists were marching to Badr, they received a message from Abu Sufyan asking them to go back home because the caravan had escaped the Muslims
However, the ignorant arrogant tyrant Abu Jahl proudly and arrogantly insisted that they proceed to Badr, stay three nights there for festivities.
Now, the Makkan polytheists amount to 1000 soldiers, approaching Badr.
The Difficult Position of the Muslim Army
'The intelligence corps' of the Madinese army reported to the Prophet that a bloody encounter with the Makkans was inescapable, and that a daring step in this context had to be taken, or else the forces of evil would violate the inviolable and would consequently manage to undermine the noble cause of Islam and tread upon its faithful believers. The Muslims were afraid that the pagan Makkans would march on and start the war within the headquarters of Islam, Madinah. A move of this nature would certainly damage the Islamic Cause and produce a negative impact on the dignity and position of the Muslims.
A Meeting for Consultation
On account of the new grave developments, the Prophet held an advisory military emergency meeting to review the ongoing situation and exchange viewpoints with the army leaders. Admittedly, some Muslims feared the horrible encounter and their courage began to waver; in this regard
The Two Armies Meet at Badr
When the two parties approached closer and were visible to each other, the Prophet began supplicating Allâh:
O Allah! The proud and arrogant Quraish are already here rebelling against You and belying Your Messenger. O Allah! I am waiting for Your victory which You have promised me. I beg You Allâh to defeat
them (the enemies)." He also gave strict orders that his men would not start fighting until he gave them his final word. He recommended that they use their arrows carefully¹ and never resort to the sword unless the enemies
came very close.2 Abu Jahl also prayed for victory, saying: "Our Lord, whichever of the two parties was less kind to his relatives, and brought us what we do not know, then destroy him tomorrow." They were confident that their superior number, equipment and experience would be decisive. Allâh revealed:
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