Suppose you live in a community, township, or a village. You get tortured, hassled, shouted at everyday. You have no other choice but to migrate from that place. This was the daily experience of an average Muslim Makkan during the early stages of Islam (600-623).
You would have no other choice other than giving up material things and sacrifice of wealth, all in return for personal safety. Even here, the migrant could not expect full security, as he is vulnerable to the unknown conditions and environment of his destination.
Once you migrate from your hometown, your future is basically hazy and you are subject to many risks that come along with the journey that attack your safety.
Even if you are filled with riches and financial stability, it didn't stop a person named Suhain Bin Sinan Ar Rumi. This man expressed his wish to migrate to Madinah, but of course, the Makkans were angry. He offered to give away all his wealth to them. They agreed to release him on this condition. Prophet Muhammad SAWS said
"Suhaib has profited, Suhaib has profited".
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